Day: October 28, 2022

Testosterone Replacement Therapy in Men Improves Insulin ResistanceTestosterone Replacement Therapy in Men Improves Insulin Resistance

Low testosterone levels have been disproportionately observed in men with Type II diabetes and enlarged bellies. The main pathology underlying type II diabetes is the resistance of body cells to insulin,termed insulin resistance,which results in the growth of belly fat and the development of metabolic diseases. 

This association naturally led investigators to question whether testosterone supplements could help men with low testosterone improve their insulin sensitivity. So researchers decided to supplement 24 men with hypogonadism,i.e.,low testosterone,and a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes with testosterone injection. Interestingly,10 of the men were progressed diabetics already on insulin medications.

Patients were stratified into a Testosterone supplement and placebo group and treated for three months. Researchers published their findings in the European Journal of Endocrinology,demonstrating improvement in sugar levels and a reduction in the waistline. These findings were consistent with improvements in insulin sensitivity based on diagnostic blood draw indicators of hemoglobin A1C and HOMO IR.

In summary,Testosterone replacement therapy reduces insulin resistance and improves glycemic control in hypogonadal men with type 2 diabetes. The questionis whether testosterone supplements in men with lower but normal testosterone levels may have a similar beneficial effect.

Original Source:  pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.govFor a detailed review of HRT please visit